Mature Christians

“whom we preach, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present them perfect in Christ Jesus.” Colossians 1:28

Humanly speaking, it is natural that you mature with age. You acquire knowledge, gain experience and learn from people around you. As Christians, we are also meant to grow and mature in our faith. 

The apostle Paul warned and taught the believers so that they would be rooted in the faith. It was important to him that the believers should receive all wisdom. He worked for the Christians to grow and mature. That they would go from being consumers to becoming producers.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

It is incredibly important to read the entire Bible and to understand the new covenant that we now live in through Jesus. Understanding what the gospel is and isn’t. To understand grace, the gift of righteousness and how to live out the Christian life by faith with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Just having a kind of general understanding of the Bible and showing up to church occasionally does not make you a mature Christian. When people have been saved for many years but are still like little children in the faith, then it sometimes becomes a bit unnecessarily difficult. 

Many people have a very limited view of what the Christian life is about. They think it’s just a matter of being generally kind and nice. But there is so much more. The problem many times is that believers don’t read and study the Bible themselves.

“For I did not keep from declaring to you the whole counsel of God… Therefore watch, remembering that for three years night and day I did not cease to warn everyone with tears.” Acts 20:27, 31

Paul made sure to preach the whole Bible. Both the promises and the prompts. Both what God wants to do and what we should do. Paul truly loved those he taught and it showed as he warned them, with tears.

Root yourself in the gospel of grace and that Jesus lives in your heart through faith. Let yourself be filled daily with the Holy Spirit and live a life of holiness and practice what the Bible says. Then you get experiences together with Jesus and you mature and grow as a Christian. It is the normal for every believer.

God bless you.