Jesus is not Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist…

Throughout church history, different churches, denominations and congregations have emerged. Some orientations within the Christian faith have waned and others have persisted and grown. But no church, denomination or congregation has a monopoly on Jesus. Unfortunately, some people throughout history have behaved as if they had exclusive rights to Jesus. It is ridiculous. No person, church, denomination or congregation can have exclusive rights to Jesus.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God that was revealed in the flesh cannot fit into any man made little box. Jesus is God, He is who the Bible says He is and we can believe and follow Him. There are only two categories of people in the world and those are the children of God and those who are not children of God. One becomes a child of God through faith in Jesus.

“But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:” John 1:12

Be reconciled to God through Jesus. It is the most important thing there is. Tell Jesus that you want to leave the ways of sin and start following Him. Open your heart to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you of all your sins. Then make sure to follow the Jesus of the Bible. Not some remade or reduced “Jesus”. 

You who are already a believer and have a church label on your forehead, make sure that it is the Jesus of the Bible that you believe in and follow. He does not change and He can and wants to help every person, whatever situation they are in. Jesus works miracles. Jesus forgives sin. Jesus heals the sick and frees from evil spirits. If you really want to know who Jesus is, what He has done, what He can and want to do and what He will do in the future – then you should open and read the Bible. There you will also see how Jesus is not, what He does not do and what He does not want. 

“Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life.”” John 8:12

Jesus is the greatest, best and most beautiful. He is wonderful and irresistible. You can see Him in the Bible and He wants to live in your heart. A life together with Jesus is an offer for every person. 

God bless you